Training Schools
TS Coordinator: Prof. Jon Hardeberg (NO)

Training Schools within the framework of the Action topic are aimed at:
• Widening the knowledge of the Action activities.
• Providing intensive training on a new and emerging subject.
• Offering familiarisation with unique equipment or know how in one of the laboratories of the Action.
Training Schools are not intended to provide general training or education. Those attending a Training School are typically – but not exclusively – young researchers from across Europe. Furthermore, Training Schools may also cover appropriate re-training as part of life-long learning. A Training School can also take the form of an Early Stage Researchers (less than PhD + 8 years) network created as a "think tank". COST support covers organisation of the school and participation support to both trainers (including external experts) and trainees.

Duration: between three days and two weeks
Eligible costs: local organiser (see local organiser support), Trainers (travel and substistence for trainers – same as for participants to COST meetings, Trainees (individuals grants, decided by MC but cannot exceed the normal reimbursement rates of COST
Local Organiser: Request for a TS has to be sent via the Chair to the MC after MC approval of the programme and the list of paid participants to the Grant Holder
Trainers and Trainees: Register on the e-COST application

Invitation Flyer for the Warsaw Training School 2013 and Application form.

Invitation Flyer for the Florence Training School 2014.

Invitation Flyer for the Szeged Training School 2015.

Invitation Flyer for the Germolles Training School 2016.

For more information please contact

Participants of the Training School in Germolles.

2016 Training School in Germolles

The fourth and last COSCH Training School (TS) "Testing easy accessible spatial and spectral imaging techniques: application to wall paintings documentation and conservation" was organized by Sarl...

2015 Training School in Szeged

The 2015 COSCH Training School on "Heterogeneous Visual Data Fusion Techniques – Acquisition and Algorithms" was organised in Szeged (Hungary) by the Research Group on Visual Computation at the...

2014 Training School in Florence

The 2014 COSCH Training School on "Hyperspectral imaging – Techniques applied to the investigation of 2D polychrome surfaces" was organized in Florence by the IFAC-CNR Applied Spectroscopy...

2013 Training School in Warsaw

The first COSCH Training School (TS) was jointly organized by the Warsaw University of Technology and the Museum of King Jan III's Palace at Wilanów at Warsaw (25-27 November 2013) and dealt with...

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